The EM Panel of Schools & Projects in Europe is an English Matters’ initiative to promote recognition of good practices of education in Europe. Fortunately the concept of teaching excellence and good practice is now part of everyday language among professionals and the public in general. This initiative encourages outstanding performance and excellence in education by honoring and giving recognition to schools and projects in Europe.
The creation of the EM Panel of Schools & Projects in Europe is a consequence of English Matters’ extensive experience in Promoting a European Dimension in Education.
We wish to help to disseminate the good teaching of schools and the successful practice of projects across Europe. Here, you can find interesting schools and projects. We encourage you to share your successful experiences with the entire educational community in Europe.

School projects


In 2019 we presented our KA1 EMOGART project that will end in 2022. This project emerged as a continuation of the KA1 project carried out from 2017 to 2019, where we immersed ourselves in the exciting world of emotions and mindfulnes work, at the end of this project, we realized the powerful tool that the work of emotions supposed and how necessary it was for our students and also teachers, that is why we were considering a second project. With the KA1 2019 project we have been able to continue...

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School projects

New tools for teaching Europe

Dopo la lunga pausa imposta dalla pandemia, i docenti della Quasimodo riprendono le mobilità previste dai progetti Erasmus+ che erano stati sospesi e che adesso potranno espletarsi, nel rispetto delle misure di sicurezza anti Covid 19.\nNell’ambito del progetto di formazione per insegnanti “Nuovi strumenti per insegnare l’Europa” organizzato da English Matters, un gruppo di tre docenti ed un assistente amministrativo si sono recati a Stoccolma, in Svezia, per partecipare ad un particolare tipo d...

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School projects


My Name is Marina Hernández Sarriá, and I´m an English teacher in Spain ( IES Mariano José de Larra). I´m writing to you because we are very interested in creating an Erasmus project based on peer mediation programs. \n\n Projects k2 as focused on sharing, developing and transferring innovative practices in education, and they include mobilities of groups of students.\n\n It would be based in schools and community-serving organizations that empower individuals to prevent, resolve, and transfor...

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School projects

The Role of Effective Teaching

According to the Erasmus+ Programme guide: “ there is a need to provide youth organisations and youth workers with training and cooperation opportunities, to develop their professionalism and the European dimension of youth work.” /p. 9/ Based on that\r\n perception and on our ambition to provide high-quality education that helps young people in the process of their social integration in Europe, we (Sava Dobroplodny Secondary School, Shumen, Bulgaria) have designed the current project under th...

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School projects

TVIM (Typographic- language education)

The rapid development of competition and technology has made investments in language education mandatory in the globalization process. English, which is a common language, has an important place in the education systems of all countries. In order to take advantage of the opportunities in the globalization process, the project partners will make an important reference to the ´Typographic Visual Memory Method´ in Teaching English, short name TVIM. typography is the art of telling the word or sent...

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School projects

Tracing Our European Spirit

From 2017 to 2019, The Duchess Izabela Czartoryska No 158 Upper Secondary School with bilingual classes in Warsaw is taking part in the Erasmus Plus project: ´TRACING OUR EUROPEAN SPIRIT´.\nThe project was carried out in a EU partnership coordinated by the school from Romania:\n1. Liceul tehnologic “Sfantul Pantelimon” – the coordinator;\n2. Scoala Gimnaziala nr 92, Romania;\n3. CLVIII Liceum Ogólnoksztalcace z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Ksieznej Izabeli Czartoryskiej, Poland\n4. Pascal Greek ...

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School projects

“Instruments and estrategies to revitalize rural areas through Adult Clasrooms”

Our adult school CPEPA “Cella” is located in Aragón (Spain).

We are the coordinator of a KA1 consortium of five teams of teachers working in adult education in Spain. \r\nAll of us have similar characteristics being in the rural area and teaching the same areas as English, Spanish as a 2nd language, ICT, memory workshop or low literacy and maths among others.

The requirement that people must meet to access the teachings is to be over 18 years old. The majority of the students are...

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School projects

Citizen 3.0 - A project on digital literacy for the Secondary School

In the last few years, the world of education especially in the secondary level, is experiencing a revolution due to the impact that internet and electronic devices have had in our lives. Digital technology has had a huge impact in business, education and culture. As schools, we should ensure that our students understand and engage with digital skills, as it is vital for job creation, innovation, competitiveness and economic growth.


During two years, we will work on the topic of Dig...

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School projects

Developing linguistic and digital competences within a cultural European context

This project is developing two types of activities: First, Structured Courses and secondly, Job - shadowing.


It stems from the difficulties the students have in relation to the acquisition of the English language. According to this situation, we have to take into account two perspectives: On the one hand, the need on the part of the participants in training courses in order to improve their professional competencies and, on the other one, the prominence that the information and commun...

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School projects

“Teacher training as a means of school’s development”

“Teacher training as a means of school´s development” is a project carried out by a group of teachers of Zespól Szkól Gastronomicznych i Handlowych in Bielsko-Biala, Poland (Catering and Trade Vocational Secondary Schools).


There will be fifteen participants in the project: the head teachers, teachers of vocational subjects, foreign languages and general subjects. The participants vary in terms of their seniority, work experience and the rank in professional advancement.


The p...

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School projects

Description of our school

Our school is a primary school located in the suburbs of Thessaloniki, the second biggest city in Greece and the capital of the region of central Macedonia. Our suburb, which lies approximately 15 kilometres away, has a population of 20.000 people. We are a mixed school which caters for pupils aged 7-12 and there are around 350 pupils enrolled. There is also a small percentage of SEN pupils, for whom there is a SEN teacher. The school population is predominately white Greek with only a few ...

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School projects

Better Teacher


Since November 2016 the teachers in our school have been working on the project entitled ´Better Teacher´. It´s funded by Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development ( Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój). As a part of the project eight teachers from our school took part in five courses, two of which took place in Dublin, Ireland and were organised by English Matters. They were: ´English for teachers A2/B1´ and ´Methodology of Culture for theTeachers of English as...

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School projects

The place where we live

From 2015 to 2017, The Duchess Izabela Czartoryska No 93 Lower Secondary School with bilingual classes in Warsaw took part in the Erasmus Plus project: ´THE PLACE WHERE WE LIVE!´.


The project was carried out in a EU partnership coordinated by the school from Romania:

  1. Liceul tehnologic “Sfantul Pantelimon” – the coordinator;
  2. \n
  3. Scoala Gimnaziala nr 92, Romania;
  4. \n ...

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School projects


The context of this project is the secondary school IES Las Norias, created 11 years ago in Monforte del Cid, a town located in the Medio Vinalopó region in Alicante. The economy of this town is mainly based on agriculture, especially in the growing and paking of table grapes. Students, whose socioeconomic status is medium low come from the only state primary school in town, are about 334 (5% immigrants and 1% gypsies). The number of teachers is 40. The school has two of three groups in each ...

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School projects

´The Mobility of school education faculty´ realised in SP 14 in Elblag

Erasmus+ POWER Project ´The Mobility of school education faculty´
realised in SP 14 in Elblag


Since the January of 2016 our Primary School no. 14 in Elblag is carrying out a project „Res, no verba the dids, not the words create the future of the Youth” within


The Erasmus+ POWER project. There are 12 teachers that create a team of our school. They are doing their tasks according the agenda...

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School projects

Inovations- a way towards quality education

The project "Inovations- a way towards quality education "of 97 SU " Bratya Miladinovi " is directed at promoting the qualification of the pedagogical and administrative staff for working in multicultural context achieving modern education and enhancing the quality of the teaching process. The management team , along with the teachers , has set a task to improve the organization of education , applying contemporary , innovative and creative methods in the teaching pra...

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School projects

Language skills development among bilingual education teachers’

Since May 2015 The Duchess Izabela Czartoryska Lower Secondary School No 93 in Warsaw has carried out a project entitled ‘Language skills development among bilingual education teachers’.


As part of the project, 13 teachers par...

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School projects


TICHING (TIC, Herramientas para la enseñanza del INGlés)


1. Project context


C.E.P.A. (Centro de Educación Personas Adultas/Adult Education centre)“Montes Norte” is made up of a main site, located in Piedrabuena, and three classrooms located in Alcolea, Porzuna y El Robledo.




There are over 700 per year and they come from the Montes Norte (Ciudad Real) area. Some of the nuclei in this area have fe...

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School projects

Teaching in a better way

According to the Erasmus+ Programme guide: “ Technologies are changing the way in which society operates, and there is a need to ensure the best use is made of them. “ and “… there is a need to provide youth organisations and youth workers with training and cooperation opportunities, to develop their professionalism and the European dimension of youth work.” Based on that perception and on our ambition to provide high-quality education that helps young peop...

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School projects

New Challenges to the Profession of Primary Teachers

The project "New challenges to the profession of  Primary Teachers" gives teachers and students an opportunity  to stay on top of their teaching and learning development,earn new achievements and see the results of their progress. After attending the two structured courses in Leeds, UK called "English Methodology of 21st century" and "ICT in the process of learning" in 2016, the  Bulgarian te...

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School projects

Presentation Fridegårdsgymnasiet municipality of Håbo

\n Fridegårdsgymnasiet is the public upper secondary school of the municipality Håbo, situated 50 km north of Stockholm, in the region of Uppsala city.


\n The school has 550 pupils, 80 teachers and 10 different educational programs, mainly university preparation: social studies, natural science, technology and economic studies. But the school also contains preparation for Upper secondary, with a special department for immigrants, as w...

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School projects

Our experience studying the education system of three European countries (Spain, Iceland, Finland)

A group of three teachers at 1st EPAL (Vocational School) in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece had the opportunity to attend a training course, which was organized by the English Matters organization, in three European countries (Spain, Iceland, Finland) under Erasmus + project, action KA1 in 2016.


The training focused on the study of the educational systems of these countries, in order to integrate best practices and innovative methods, both at school administration an...

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